Car Insurance

No one beat us neither in Price nor in Claim Settlement.

We offer "Comprehensive Car Insurance" instead of "Car Insurance".

Zero Depreciation Cover Every year the value of a car depreciates but with zero depreciation cover, there are no depreciation cuts even when you make a claim, and you get the entire amount in your hands.
Return to Invoice Give your car this add on cover and recover your invoice value back in case of theft or total damage to your car. 
No Claim Bonus Protection This add on cover not only protects your No Claim Bonus earned so far, but also takes it to the next NCB slab earning you a significant discount on your premium. 
The engine is the heart of your car and it is crucial to ensure it is protected. This cover shields you from the financial losses incurred due to damage to your car engine.
Cost of Consumables By opting this add-on along with comprehensive car insurance policy you can get coverage for consumables items like grease, lubricants, engine oil, oil filter, brake oil, etc.
Loss of Personal Belonging Customizing your comprehensive insurance policy with this add-on cover you can get coverage for loss of your personal belonging such as laptop, vehicle documents, cell phones, etc.