SME Insurance

Transfer your accidently business risk on insurance company.


Workmen’s Compensation

Covers the liability of the employer towards his employees


W C Act 1923

Fatal Accidents Act 1855

At Common Low

The Policy provides coverage for accidents arising out of and in course of one’s employment, Liability of the employer under WC Act for Death, PTD, PPD and TTD.


Marine Insurance

Cargo Insurance insures goods in transit from one place to another and is underwritten on the institute cargo clauses, with coverage on an A, B or C basis. “A” having the widest cover and “C” the most restricted. 


Contractor’s Plant and Machinery

This policy covers different types of machinery used for handing material or construction. The policy covers the machinery whilst they are in operation or at rest or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning or overhauling or whilst being shifted within the premises or during subsequent re-erection, but in any case only after successful commissioning.



Liability insurance protects you from your legal liability towards third parties. If your business happens to harm others you are legally liable to compensate. Liability insurances protects you from such unforeseen circumstances, where you and/or your business can be held liable and you may have to incur huge costs on defense and third party damages. 


Group Personal Accident

Personal Accident insurance is extended to provide for payment of certain defined benefits in the event of the Insured’s death or disablement by accidental injury, which is defined in the policy as bodily injury resulting solely, and directly from accident caused by external violent and visible means.


Group Health Insurance

Group Health Insurance is offered mostly to employer – employee groups. Typically such groups would be non contributory in nature. The policyholder pays premium amount to the company & thereafter the company pays the employee’s medical bills against the policy’s coverage limit.


Corporate Travel

Overseas Group Travel Policy is a comprehensive package which provides complete medical and non medical cover to the international business travelers. If you have employees who are required to travel internationally. while on business, you should make sure your organization isn’t exposed to extravagant expenses they can incur. Expenses for medical treatment, emergency medical evacuation, trip cancelation/delays, loss or delay of check in baggage, passport loss are just a few of the common costs that companies can face when their employees are on business trips.